Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Prawn Risotto

I'm on a mission to make a risotto that doesn't taste like wallpaper paste and is approaching the seafood risotto I swoon over at Prezzo. So far I've had little luck but I've sort of realised where I'm going wrong. Wine. You need glugs upon glugs of it. Cheese. The more the merrier. And finally, butter. Chuck it in like you're baking a cake. So a tasty risotto isn't always the healthiest option, but it sure is filling and goes a long way. Here's what you'll need:

Olive Oil
Cherry Tomatoes
Lemon Juice
Chili Flakes
Salt and Pepper
Risotto Rice
White Wine
Herbs (I used basil and coriander)
Cheese (I used cheddar but parmesan is best)

I've never been one to measure out precise quantities or follow a particular method, and once you start cooking like this you grow in confidence and soon enough you'll be chucking in ingredients Jamie Oliver style. Experimenting is always the best way. Many an evening I will begin by putting olive oil, garlic and onion in a saucepan then see where the contents of my fridge takes me. If you're a little more nervous there are tons of tutorials/recipes to guide you through the basics. 

 It's still not Prezzo but it's definitely getting there...

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